FALA GALERAAA!!! Voltamos com mais um vídeo muito top para todos vocês conseguirem chegar cada vez mais próximos de realizar o sonho de intercâmbio. Dessa vez a Anna Carolina vai nos dar excelentes dicas de atividades de extensão e atividades extracurriculares.

Como muitos sabem elas têm um grande impacto diferencial na hora da seleção para intercâmbio.

Esperamos que gostem dessas dicas!!!

HEY GUUUYS!!! We’re back with another incredible video to help you all get closer in to realizing your exchange dream. This time Anna Carolina is going to give us some excellent tips on extension activities and extracurricular activities.

As many of you know, they have a big differential impact when it comes to selection for an exchange program.

The video above talks about the options for curricular and extension activities offered by UFRJ: scientific initiation, internships, monitoring, competition teams (Minerva Rockets, Icarus and Minerva eRacing, for example), junior companies (Fluxo Consultoria, Legado Consultoria, among others), academic centers (Caeng and DAEQ) and other categories of academic initiative, such as Interpoli and the Atlética Engenharia UFRJ.

We hope you enjoy these tips!!!

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